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Chrysalis Divorce and Family Wellbeing Consultants

From Heartbreak to wholeness, creating positive life change whilst coping with separation and navigating your divorce. A lifeline for life’s transitions.

Divorce and Family Wellbeing Services

Coping with separation and navigating your divorce can be immensely painful and at times completely overwhelming. Not to mention emotionally overwhelming, financially devastating, legally frustrating and expensive.

“I have been where you are now. Not only did I survive the rocky road, I have thrived as I emerged from life’s traumas.”

Signature to go in here

Separation preparation. Deciding to stay or go ?

“Divorce is like  an emotional rollercoaster you might as well sit at the front”

Planning and thinking about divorce.

“Courage is being scared to death and Saddling up anyway”

John Wayne

Design, reignite your new successful post Divorce life.

“If you have the guts to find and be yourself ……..other people will pay your price”

John Updike

Single happy. Successfully solo. What does this look like for you ?

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing”

Helen Keller

Coffee and Confidence class



Chrysalis Club singles events in Surrey



Dating again !



Monthly Sunday Saunter



Heartfest day festival for new beginnings



Midweek Meet-ups



Single Suppers



Do something today that your future self will thank you for, get in touch... 


07790 252 936



Mon - Fri: 10am - 9pm
Weekends: 10am - 3pm

Karyn Heartsmith,


In Brief: I have over 30 years of successfully enhancing positive wellbeing transition within families in a range of settings, some of which include; Primary and Secondary Education, Family Learning and Adult Education, SEN Schools and Children’s homes, voluntary and private family homes.












Happy clients.

Tony Brown

Sunbury-on-Thames, United Kingdom
27 June 2021

Karyn is very easy to talk to with excellent listening and understanding. I felt immediate benefits after our very first meeting, the follow up service she provides is first class. I highly recommend Karyn.


Kay Wells

Berkshire, United Kingdom
18 June 2021

I was married for 15 years that sadly ended in divorce. I completely lost all my confidence and felt rock bottom not knowing how I was going to move forward with my life. I got in contact with Karen and find her so easy to talk to and I feel completely at ease and can open up and talk about how I am feeling and my fears for the future. Karen has helped enormously by building up my confidence and self esteem and has taught me to not repeat past patterns but to learn from them. I’ve learnt to make good, smart goal plans which is really helping me to move forward. We also discussed relationships and preparing for dating.  Managing and expanding finances and examining new career options. I can’t recommend Karen enough.


Mimi N

Sunbury, Middlsex , United Kingdom
29 March 2021

I cannot speak highly enough about Karyn. Karyn is an amazing lady, she is there when you seek professional support , things can seems difficult and challenging, but with Karyn supportive empathetic fun highly effective coaching style which helps challenging myself to be accountable and best version of myself in my business and enriching my personal harmony.


My Approach & Philosophy

I help clients easily understand what their next step is, unpack beliefs and values that bring a blend of new skills into life’s repertoire. Together, we examine old patterns, uncover new holistic mindsets that work effortlessly while taking the necessary steps in not only healing old wounds whilst crafting, your new compelling future. Every step of the way, we will take together providing the direction and support that will assist you in navigating far away from heartbreak, into positive wholeness.

Coaching Sessions are delivered via Covid compliant regulations either on Eco coaching outdoor walking sessions, via Zoom or via telephone, via online and in person immersive weekend workshops and retreats.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for, get in touch... 


07790 252 936



Mon - Fri: 10am - 9pm
Weekends: 10am - 3pm